This Month in the Garden
MARCH is the perfect time to prep your lawn or garden for Spring blooms in California. The work you do now will pay off in many ways and will give you more time to enjoy your garden.
Remove developing seedpods on daffodils and other spring bulbs. Leave the foliage to die back naturally so the plants can store energy for next year.
Finish pruning roses before plants become fully awake from winter.
Remove dead and decaying leaves. This will also help to reduce food for slugs and snails.
Pull weeds now before they get a foothold in your garden. Pulling a weed is easier when it's just starting to grow, whereas an established weed can be a rigorous workout for your back.
Mulch, mulch, mulch! Mulching helps control weeds and reduces watering needs as temperature warm up.
Tidy up planter beds.
Be alert for aphids. Control and remove aphids before your garden area becomes infested.
Feed rhododendrons, azaleas, and camellias with an fertilizer for acid loving plants.
Start hoeing vegetable beds as soon as the weather starts to warm up, as weeds will germinate quickly and populate.
Sow wildflower seeds in peat pots and trays indoors for transplanting later.
Sow tomatoes, chilies and peppers in peat pots and trays indoors for transplanting later.
Plant lilies, dahlias and other summer-flowering bulbs in pots and borders.
Plant new roses, shrubs and climbers. The moderate temperatures allows plants to establish a root system to rely on and to spring upward as growing conditions improve.
Plant strawberry starts.
Plant cool weather early spring vegetables, such as lettuce, spinach and kale.
Plant asparagus starts in a sunny spot with well-draining soil.
Plant spring herbs, such as chives, cilantro and dill.
Plant onion and shallot sets.